Start Ups in a Downturn: Key Actions

Thought I would share the recommendations I’m making to the companies I advise. To be clear we aren’t in a downturn yet, but you may want to consider some actions today. A start-up is like a small boat on the ocean: the highs are higher and the lows are lower (and you feel it in between). We are in for some rough weather and it’s important to prepare for the storm and particularly new lows that have never been experienced by anyone in your organization. 

Open to your thoughts here. Sorry for typos..

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Google Wallet Re-Launch

Last week we saw a major relaunch of Google Wallet at Google I/O. See

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Secure Remote Commerce – May 2022

Short Blog. I wanted to follow up on the last point I made in Bank ID Service – What Is It?

Some US Banks are refusing to jump on board SRC. As managers of risk, Banks are reluctant to accept network services which level the playing field in both managing risk and “diluting” their brand.… In some respects Authentify is a response to SRC.

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Acceptance Hurdles

This is a continuation thought from 3 blogs I put together last year: ACH, A2A and Marketing Incentives, Acceptance Part 1 and A2A – Threat to V/MA?  A great part of blogging is getting feedback. While I’m long in the tooth, I’m not the deep expert in every area. Writing blogs usually leads to feedback from the experts. 

Question for today. IF a new payment scheme were developed for eCommerce what are the hurdles to acceptance?

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Authentify – Bank ID Service

Apologize in advance for typos.. did not proof yet

Press Release

Today’s WSJ Article on Zelle.

Congrats to Early Warning and their participating banks in the Launch of the Authentify wallet! A service 6 yrs in the making and driven by my good friend and former EWS president Eric Woodward.

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China Digital Yuan – Impacts of Weaponizing the USD

A continuation of my blog on Digital Dollar and CBDCs (Mar 2021). Conflict in the Ukraine and the economic sanctions on Russia, central banks and payment systems have created a “weaponization” of the USD. As a result, I see the China’s digital yuan taking off in next 18 months beginning with energy related payments with the middle east. While not impacting consumer payment networks, the shift will substantially impact USD hegemony and ability to impair funds flow of participating markets and geographies.

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