Chase Net 2017

Its tough to find time to Blog as a CEO…. Most of you my blogs are sometimes snarky and tactless (making NOT offending someone a new consideration).

I was taking a look at JPMC’s latest investor presentation and noticed that ChaseNet is gone.. Why? I’ve written on JPMC and ChaseNet a number of times over last 6 yrs. Today I’ll cover my views on the latest developments and my views on JPMC’s ChaseNet strategy. Lets recap first:

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Trust – Part 1

No one reads my long blogs.. so my 2017 resolution is to break them up into smaller thought “chunks”.

I can’t believe its been 2.5 yrs since I wrote Brokering Identity. The central element of that blog, and today is to take a “trust” view of Network and Platform strategies. The rules, standards and processes by which trust is managed are critical to the success of networked businesses and markets from eBay to Visa/MA to the NYSE.

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ApplePay’s 500% Growth

Most have seen Apple’s earning’s transcript, with following key ApplePay Excerpts:

  • ApplePay users tripled
  • Transaction volume up 500% YoY as Apple expanded to four new countries. It’s now available in 13 markets.
  • 2 million small businesses are now accepting invoice payments via Apple Pay on the Web, and that the “Services” segment to which Apple Pay belongs saw revenue hit $7.17 billion,” up 18 percent year-over-year. category also includes major drivers like Apple Music and the iOS App Store.
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Commerce Signals Launches databridge

Press Release

I’m excited to announce the launch of our first product, databridgeTM. It’s no secret that banks, retailers and mobile operators have great data. The challenge for these companies has been in how they let their data “play” in a privacy-centric model that controls both WHO can use the data and HOW the data is used (see Data Leakage). This is the core of databridge, with an initial focus on enabling transaction data to measure marketing effectiveness.

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The New Economy: Small Wins

I’m more passionate about this topic than anything I’ve ever written about. As an eternal optimist I don’t see a world dominated by Google, Amazon, Chase and Walmart…. But rather a new economy where millions of small businesses thrive. Where every person can employ their creative talent in collaboration focused on value creation. A world where capital flows to great ideas across geographic boundaries lifting the stifling poverty of most emerging markets.

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