Evolution of V/MA – Moving Beyond Card

Today’s blog is part 2 to my 2016 post Transaction Costs and Value Orchestration in Commercial Networks. The “Big Picture” questions I’m trying to answer today are: 

  1. How are bank products impacted by expansion of network services and change in consumer behavior?
  2. How likely is it that there will be an end run around V/MA or a new operating model that competes with them?
  3. Given banks are the creators of the most successful commercial networks, what actions will they likely take?
  4. Is there a new model (ie DeFi or CDBCs) that completely changes how we think about networks and money. 

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Tipping Point for Plastic (Card)?

Will Visa Acceptance Cloud (VAC) be a watershed event that simplifies merchant acceptance and embedding payments into iOT? Changing the merchant side of the network has been a nightmare for all. VAC enables a radical expansion of merchant network capacity with one big asterisk. (Sorry for Typos)

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Interchange is going toward 0.. So what?

There are only 3 major markets where credit card interchange is not regulated: US, Japan and Russia. In these markets, Issuers use interchange (US 130bps-270bps) to power consumer reward programs (see Tilting Networks Toward Merchants – 2015) and card marketing.  The ROW has credit interchange regulated to ~30bps and debit 20-30bps, and the reward programs are much different (Barclays UK below). But regulating payment interchange HAS NOT resulted in volume loss for V/MA, to the GREAT frustration regulators.. this is a key point (more later).

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DeFi, CBDCs and Web 3.0

My perspective has been evolving as I work to build out infrastructure for “when Crypto grows up” in my new Company. I’m pleased to report that Accept Payments (acc3pt.com) went live this month and is expanding our private rollout as we fine tune all of the CX. Thought for the day… Its about trust.. 

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A2A, Fed Now and Real Time – Threat to V/MA? Nope.

Sorry for typos

My good friend Dave Birch wrote a piece in Forbes today on Account to Account transfer threat to V/MA. I wanted to provide an alternate view. This will likely be a multi part blog.. today I’m starting with the consumer and the merchant (from a US perspective). 

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Incentives – How will Visa Amazon Play Out?

I outlined the Visa Amazon dispute in my blog 4 weeks ago. Today, Visa is confidently projecting it can bring the issue to a close. For the exec team to communicate confidence, my presumption is that they have both a primary strategy and a fall back strategy.  Given that the big players influence payments so heavily, let me lay out a few scenarios on how this could wrap up. 

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ACH, A2A and Marketing Incentives

(sorry for typos). I’m up at 5am this Saturday and have all kinds of things I’d like to write about: DeFi, PayFacs, Opportunities in B2B payments, Platform strategies of Shopify/Stripe/Adyen.. I’ve settled on a short blog surrounding ACH, A2A and Marketing incentives. The key question I will be answering today: will an ACH based A2A or ACH checkout option develop threatening V/MA?

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Amazon – Affirm

Key Reading

  1. Affirm 3Q Earnings (last night)
  2. Earning Transcript
  3. Affirm Investor Forum (28 Sept)
  4. Amazon take Venmo (my blog)
  5. Affirm Debit+ (my blog)
  6. Amazon/Visa Battle (my blog)
  7. Amazon Co-Brand is In Play

November is turning out to be a very big week in payments! The top investor question seems to be how will V/MA be impacted? My response.. In next 2 yrs.. Less than 1-2% of US GDV however Affirm is turning out to be the leading company to watch in creating a V/MA alternative.  

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