Plaid fights for relevance

Side note. I have 4 blogs just about ready to go in the next week.

  • Value Structures and Organizational Models. This one has been in the works too long and has backed everything else up
  • V/MA – Break out growth opportunities (still my largest holdings).
  • Updated view on alternate payment schemes
  • Banks and “owning identity”. Ownership and control is not the problem. Getting others to value their role and rules is.
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Data Tipping Point.. Good things will happen

Recent issues with Facebook, Equifax, GDPR compliance, … have brought us to a tipping point in data. The basic structure of how data is: permissioned, shared, used, accumulated, analyzed, sold, regulated, … must change. Google and FB operate in a Big Data 1.0 architecture powered by the “virtuous cycle”. Edward Snowden showed us how the NSA also acts in this centralized model as a data vacuum (not so virtuously). Literature and entertainment have created broad awareness of the dangers of centralization and loss of privacy: 1984, the Borg, The Circle, Black Mirror, … etc.  

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Equifax, Facebook and Dangers of Centralization [of Data]

Equifax. It’s hard to sit on sit my hands and not write on this one. My perspective is shaped through running 2 of the largest online banks in the world, developing state of the art fraud prevention systems with the top 20 banks, working with Google and today creating Commerce Signals.

Enron has new competition for the company name that denotes loss and fraud. Equifax may be the single largest breach of consumer information in history…. It is everything from social to DOBs, DL #s, …. How did Equifax get our data?

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